Homunculus Secret Fight Club - Post-jam Patch

Hello everyone,

First of all, thanks a lot to all the people who took the time to try Homunculus Secret Fight Club! Your feedbacks were precious and your kind words helped us a lot. 

To close our little game, we decided to do one post-jam update to correct some issues you've encountered. We would've loved to do more on it, but in the spirit of the jam, we'll do only some minors adjustements. You'll find the patch notes at the end of this message that summarize those changes. 

Congratulations to all the devs around here, you did a great job. We wish we've had more time to playtest everything, but will probably come back to do just that. 

Love yall ❤️

Koya & Sov, out ! 🦝🦝

Patch Note - Post-jam Update

The aim of the update was to fix some bugs, reduce the grind aspect and the early difficulty spike, along with bringing some clarity and feedback to the game. 

  • You now gain back the ingredients of your dead Homunculus. 
  • The first boss has been nerfed, should be easier to beat. 
  • Homunculus now automatically heals after a fight. 
  • The UI bug that would lock the game when clicked too fast is fixed. 
  • The discovered ingredients now stays displayed, even if you don't have them. 
  • In the Alchemy screen, already discovered advanced ingredients now displays when you setup the recipe. 
  • Added feedbacks when you gain/lose money and ingredients. 
  • Small fixes to the starting music. 


Homunculus Secret Fight Club - Post Jam Patch Play in browser
33 days ago

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